Rouen is the 3rd most attractive city in France


According to a study carried out by the MeteoJob and Meilleurtaux website, Rouen would be the 3rd most attractive city in France for housing or in terms of employment. Rouen is behind Orléans (Loiret) and Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin)!

Meilleurtaux and Météojob investigated salaries, property prices and interest rates through a study based on data relating to job offers, prices and loan repayments.

Median net monthly salary in Rouen: €2

They chose to calculate the salaries of Rouennais and the price of local real estate. Then, they calculated the real estate purchasing power of a city by dividing the median salary obtained by multiplying the CDI rate per 100 inhabitants by the purchasing power of local real estate.
This process was then used to rank cities based on their attractiveness as places to live. Rouen ranks third in the study's data collection process.

In the new version of the Employment and Housing Barometer, Orléans, Mulhouse, Rouen, Grenoble and Perpignan are ranked in the top 5.

Publication date: November 23, 2022


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